
It’s just data


Peter Drayton I for one would love to see some of those discarded articles... I'm still internalizing REST, ... if REST devotees were to emphasize understanding of REST, rather than repudiation of SOAP, more people might achieve the zen of REST.

The joke that "It's a shame that 99% of attorneys give the other 1% a bad name" applies here.  My recommendation is that people spend time reading Roy Fielding's original thesis.  He also makes other statements in other places that might surprise some people:

REST is an architectural style -- it does not dictate protocol syntax.

There's no basis for "everything must use GET" in Web architecture. There is for "use an URI for everything that's important".

It is clear that Roy is no fan of XML, but he is very clear to separate his views on that subject from his views on transfer architectures.

I made a pass at editing my notes into a single article last night.  I plan to post it as an essay in a few days.  One thing I am trying very hard to do is not to practice bad advocacy myself.