
It’s just data

Rails 3.0 Beta


David Heinemeier Hansson: You thought we were never going to get to this day, didn’t you? Ye of little faith. Because here is the first real, public release of Rails 3.0 in the form of a beta package that we’ve toiled long and hard over.  It’s surely not perfect yet, but we were out of blockers on the list, so here we go. Please give it a run around the block, try to update some old applications, try to start some new ones, and report back all the issues you find.

For those who have purchased (or who have yet to purchase) Agile Web Development with Rails, Edition 3, I’ve begun a page which details the differences that affect what is described in the book.  Edition 3 was based on Rails 2.2.2, and this page is cumulative.  My perception is that the differences that affect applications is way less than the differences between Rails 1 and Rails 2, and frankly not much more than the differences between Rails 2.2 and Rails 2.3.

Work on Edition 4 is well underway, and now that Rails has shipped a beta, I’ll may be able to get a beta of the book out by the end of the month.  It will not only be based on Rails 3.0, but will also be focused on current best practices and new APIs.

Things I am tracking at this point: a RubyInstaller for Windows that supports a version of Ruby that Rails can run on, a version of the will_paginate gem that works on Rails 3.0 which was just made available last night and I will be testing with it today, a regression in the (yet to be released) Ruby 1.8.8 that will affect both Builder and Rails, and some inconsistencies in how I18n YAML files are treated with respect to html_safe.