
It’s just data

Spliced Feeds

Mihai Parparita: While developing this sharing feature, it became clear that the ultimate origin of an item in a feed is very important (i.e. I may see it because I’m subscribed to your “web-dev” label, but really it’s from QuirksBlog). We joked about the need for a “Molecule” format that would specify the aggregation of multiple Atom feeds. We even began coding a (namespaced) origin element that would contain the title, id, homepage URL, etc. of the originating site for this item. Then, while re-reading RFC 4287 for another reason, we came across the source element in Atom, which does exactly what we had set out to (re)implement.

[Via Robert Sayre, who quite appropriately attributes this idea to long time Atom Contributor Bob Wyman].